Today is not about writing code — Today is all about ‘Velocity’

Shehroz Ali
3 min readJun 23, 2022


Yes, ‘Velocity’ — the same term that you used to be taught in your late high-school or mid-school physics classes. Maybe, some of you don’t like physics (just like me too) — well, but sometimes it doesn’t mean that it carries the same exact meaning to the actual context where we pointing. Right? So let’s talk about what ‘Velocity’ and ‘Software Engineering’ has to do all about and what their relationship tells us.

Source: Pexels


Amazon famously commits code to production every 11.6 seconds and they’re always learning really fast. Pause for a second here and imagine the velocity they moving. Seems more faster than last time I pulled my phone to book an Uber? Exactly. We don’t know how much lines do every merge contains (until we ourselves works with the team at Amazon) but surprisingly what we see is their velocity to ship to production faster, 11.6 seconds. How is that even possible? Let’s try to break and see what’s happening underneath the hood.

Business vs. Tech — Really?

Right tooling. Yes. This is where I want you all to focus. If you really want to build better Continuous Delivery pipelines so you can test, build and release faster than you once again really need to think-off your delivery pipelines. DevOps enable teams to set things to automation and ships the new build to production environment through various CI and CD tools (such as Jenkins, Fastlane, ArgoCD, Ansible, Terraform, etc.). In 2022 today, building shouldn’t be considered as the only primary goal for a startup, it’s secondary, but what’s important today is your ‘Velocity’ from both business and technical perspective. Not every founder is a also a ‘technical’ founder and not every founder cares a lot about those underlaying ‘technical debt’ or your excellent-driven technology stack. Technology is just a tool we use today to build businesses for tomorrow. Technology helps us drive better customer acquisition by delivering values. It’s really the business first. Technology helps us to eliminate painful tasks by automating them and enabling teams to move faster and safer. It really help us achieve those defined business goals to increase profitability and scale faster.

Wonders did by the amazing Software Community

So, listening to all of this, I would say that it’s the right time to re-pay a visit to the wonderful SaaS market and pick the right tools for the right job. Thanks to the wonderful beautiful community of developers and engineers that empowers other engineers and developers to put puzzle pieces together to get things done quickly in seconds or minutes.

For the trade-offs people

Like, as always, I use to add the word ‘trade-offs’ so you need to be-aware of it too. I mean, let’s be honest, its depends on us where gonna compromise and how much ‘technical debt’ we gonna bear. I mean maybe that could charge an extra buck from your bank account but on the other side it is really helping teams to get things done quickly (such as SonarCloud) enabling teams to move forward and ship quality-code faster. If you really getting more value than you might expected and is flourishing your business model leading to bigger customer acquisition and much bigger rounds then I must say that you can mark it as a green signal.

It’s all about shipping value today — not code

Today is all about how much value we getting. As being a technical in nature, every new product or app that I tries left different impressions on me. Some might really excites me. Some might doesn’t and some might doesn’t sounds any meaning to me. Regardless of experiencing and building multiple apps and software, I must add here that your product should at the end delivers some value — value in terms of real value that makes people genuinely happy and stick to your product.

That’s a wrap! Feel free to drop your thoughts below. I would be really happy listening to all your feedbacks.

Until we met again, Seeyou. Have a wonderful day!



Shehroz Ali

Building software products to change people's lives.