Achieving High Availability — Fault Tolerance

Shehroz Ali
2 min readJan 26, 2022


One of the greatest things which every Business in 2022 should have to look out is the High Availability (HA) factor. It will not only help scale the application faster but will also help the services to stay active and online in case of broken nodes/server-crashes/human-machine error.

Writing such robust code that can make your application tolerate faults

The year 2022 is the year where every startup is competing at such pace where there is no space to compromise on Scalability and Availability factor. No startup would like to deliver a slowed-lag experience ruining the entire product experience for end-user. Under such circumstances, one of the most important architectural design by Modern Software Engineering suggests us that we should try to improve the Fault Tolerance factor more and more in our application. But you guys will be wondering what exactly is Fault Tolerance? So let me explain you.

Fault Tolerance is one of the modern techniques used in Modern Software Engineering that actually splits the whole Business Layer (i.e. Service Layer) into loosely coupled services or Micro-services. These are very little services of the application broken down into smaller and smaller services so as to increase:

  • Management at code level
  • Maintaining the services
  • Keeping the services independent
  • Integrating new Services
  • Updating/Bettering previous Services

This will give you some more better space to work in Agile mode with the engineering team (Product, Designer, Analyst, Coder, Tester, etc.). Besides this, one of the biggest benefit your application will gain is that if some of the Services goes down or are crashed for some while, the other Services are still live and online at the same time (example, if photo uploading goes down under maintenance you still can browse the feed and send messages). This will resist your application to completely goes down off completely. It will make your application tolerate faults more and more in case of crashes/patches/errors by improving the percentage High Availability factor (HA) to almost around 99.99%.

That’s it!



Shehroz Ali

Building software products to change people's lives.